Such beautiful and such different colors of kittens were given by our new young pair of Neva Masquerade cats: Holly Koenig Glance, fs 21 33 (seal silver tortie tabby point) and Klod Koenig Glance, n 21 33 09 (seal tabby point with white). Kittens will be ready to move in August.
Sex: female
Color: n 21 33 09 (seal tabby point with white)
Status: Reserved
Sex: male
Color: es 21 33 09 (cream silver tabby point with white)
Status: Reserved
Sex: male
Color: n 21 33 (seal tabby point)
Status: Reserved
Sex: female
Color: n 21 33 (seal tabby point)
Status: Reserved
Sex: male
Color: ds 21 33 09 (red silver tabby point with white)
Status: Reserved